
Advertising will Never Be the Same…..


Everyday you see Thousands of Ads: Commercials, billboards, magazine ads, direct mail coupons, Facebook Ads, Google Ads… Our brains are slowly able to “blind us” to these.  Our brain screams, “Nothing to see here, just someone wanting to take your money…stay away!”


When there were only newspaper ads and billboards, you could just put up a “20% OFF” sticker and customers would come.  This still works with the bargain bin shoppers, but why do you want to cater to “price conscious” shoppers only?


You don’t.


Try writing an ad that only focuses on the customer and what they want, what they need.  Provide information they find helpful enough they want to click through and see more.  Flashy graphics and images won’t draw in the customer, it’s what you say to them.  What do you offer them that’s completely about them?


This is what makes a great ad.  You giving them something: Power, love, information, Desire, Disgust.  Any of these emotions your ad sparks will usually succeed.


Advertising is NOT the same as Marketing. Marketing is the planning on getting customers to trust you and trust your product/service.  Advertising is paying for exposure.


TV Commercials, Radio ads, Facebook ads can get expensive quick.  If you don’t have the right messaging, money is flushed down the drain, people get fired, all hell breaks loose.


We’ve browsed through enough magazine ads, tv commercials etc. to see what goes wrong and what to do to fix it.


Send over your recent advertising piece.  We will look it over and give you pointers on how to improve it.  If you feel you’re wasting money right now, let us help you before you waste more.


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