Utilize the “Illusion of Truth” for Personal Branding in Your Career

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During election season, you hear each politician constantly repeating points again and again! Surprisingly, it seems we also start to care more about the point the more it’s said.
How many times did you hear the “23 Million Unemployed” in the last election? Whether that number is accurate or not, you remember it. Furthermore, you probably didn’t care nor knew about that number before the election, but soon everyone was quoting it.
Even when the news stations constantly check the facts and scream out the candidates’ are “wrong” or “stretching the truth,” we remember.
The candidates continue hammering home the point and slowly the masses begin to accept the politician’s statements as correct. Most people are not going to take the time to check if the politician’s are speaking the truth or not.
You’ll hear candidates say “That’s a fact” during tense spats, which is inserted to automatically alert our unconscious mind “Hey, remember this as true.” Even if it’s not true, your mind pairs fact with statement.
You can implement this “political” strategy on your Resume and throughout your career.
A study from Hasher, Goldstein, and Toppino had participants read 60 statements every 2 weeks. During each session, a couple statements from the previous session were sprinkled in with the 60.
Results showed participants marked the repeated statements as true even though they say they hadn’t heard the statement before.
How can you take advantage of this “illusion.”
Focus on what you want to be known for, use keywords or use a statement over and over.
If you look at my bio, resume, profile, I don’t just put for the 7Minute Entrepreneur, “Founder”, I put “Personal Brand Equity Strategist.”
What does that do? First it gets readers curious and want to delve more into your background.
Then with that questioning, when they hear “personal branding” they’re curiosity will automatically revert back to my title, back to my personal brand.
Further, you will find the phrase “Invest in Yourself” on many pages/posts of this blog. It will sit in your unconscious until you hear it somewhere else, itt will then trigger a thought back to this site, my personal brand.
I’m creating an “Illusion of Truth” around the brand of this blog. Whether you think you can learn how to invest in yourself or not, you will be triggered back to the 7Minute Entrepreneur.
Create Your Own “Illusion of Truth”
When you interview for a job, you’re not always going to be the most experienced person they may interview.
You need something to stand out from the crowd and not be a “me-too” candidate. Have a Message! Those get washed away (I’ve been one before too).
Here is where your personal branding works directly for you.
The plan is to plant seeds for what makes you unique and include those seeds in your resume and profiles.
Then, when you go to interview, you will get to expand on your brand that has already been planted in the interviewer’s mind thus strengthening your “illusion”.
Target certain keywords that are on your resume which their unconscious mind has already logged away. Or even better, show the way your brand is unique compared to others.
Looking at my previous example from my title “Personal Brand Equity Strategist”, they will find this title on many profiles when they search for “Joe Cassandra.”
During an interview, I bring up personal branding, and it immediately triggers more questions about that, and I can tie them into added benefit for the company.
Going along with this example, I am a Financial Analyst (fun accounting work…yay!). If I come in sounding and branded as every other “financial analyst” on the market, I’m doomed.
There’s tons more qualified candidates, but with this added personal branding, I’ve created an “illusion of truth” which automatically stands out from other financial analysts.
Those companies who value your unique branding will be closer to the “Dream Job” you are looking for. A position that doesn’t value those added skills and expertise is a step away from your dream position.
Key Action Points
Think about your current position. Now, sift through the common skills and brands that exist with your position. Usually the stereotype will nail it. (For me, accountants are bean counting, introverted, cube-dwellers).
These assets are important, but not what we’re focusing on here. We want to zone on what makes you unique. The personal brand makes you stand out.
What soft assets do you have which the stereotype usually doesn’t? (For me, public-speaking skills, internet marketing and blog skills, outside-the-box thinking, extroverted and networking capabilities & others).
Include these certain key words throughout your profile and include them on your Resume. If it’s not directly related to your present position, I have an “Additional Information” section where I include this type of information.
Get creative with a new title with your brand, stand out!
I’ve found those who show no interest in my added skills, usually aren’t the type of company for whom I want to work. We desire to be in a place where ALL our assets are valued and distinguished, don’t settle.
During the interview process, make sure you mention these added skills using those keywords. It puts the “illusion” in their head:
- 1. You’re an expert in the area (on top of the normal skills of candidates).
- 2. You create an “urgency” that you’re skills are a necessity for the position i.e. the “Illusion”.
What you’re doing is creating belivability and constructing the idea in their mind “Hey, this point is important. This candidate could bring added value.”
It’s exciting for them as they receive the initial product (you) and get a freebie along with it. Like a Buy one Get one Free!
I’ve used an example for a regular position, but you can use this in your Freelancing work, your own company, when negotiating and much more. Get Creative!
For complete TRANSPARENCY, this is a new LIFEHACK I’ve just learned recently, so I’m still in the process of testing them. Soon, I do have an opportunity to test further these ideas and try different tactics with the “Illusion of Truth,” so I will keep you updated!
Have you used this tactic before? How else do you brand yourself? If you know someone who has an interview soon, could they benefit from this article? Share it with them!
Sources:Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain (David Eagleman) (affiliate)
Jeremy Norton
Hi, great post you have here. Now that I think about this, its beginning to make sense why sometimes when I hear about a number, I immediately associate it with a fact I got from a speech I repeatedly heard.
Joe Cassandra
Hi Jeremy, thanks for dropping in.
Its stuff we don’t think about, but could give you an edge if you focus on it. Its a new idea for me and spent hours researching it. But wanted to share it my readers to hear their thoughts.
Glad you liked it Jeremy!