3 LinkedIn Strategies That Reward you Views and Opportunities
You like to be noticed and recognized. Am I wrong?
Who doesn’t enjoy when someone takes an interest in them? Recognition is a basic human need.
We’re going to show you simple, but effective ways to get more exposure and increased interest in you on the largest professional network, LinkedIn.
I’ll be honest, I joined LinkedIn a good 2 years before being active on it just because I didn’t understand the network’s capabilities. It seemed boring. Facebook there is new stuff on there every second, but not LinkedIn.
That’s the basic attitude of people who don’t understand it’s power.
See? You’re not alone. That’s where the 7Minute Entrepreneur can help! We love this site and we’re dishing out what we’ve learned to you for FREE.
When it comes to building your networking, fostering new relationships, or, most shocking, finding a job, too many people haven’t harnessed the power of this social network.
The average salary for a Linkedin user is almost $100,000! That’s insane! Why don’t more people go where the money is? It takes money to make money (isn’t that a saying?).
There’s so many different strategies to tap into Linkedin but sometimes you gotta dig for it!
We will be tackling Linkedin in many different articles and in the 7EShow to show you how to turn this network into your bread and butter.
For now, let’s look into 3 sure-fire tactics to get noticed right away. There’s many, but we will just be looking at 3 for now.
We keep it short so you can take action in small steps, that’s how humans are wired. We’re not going to give you 50 steps because you won’t do any of them.
So we start with three.
Now understand, we only provide quality content for you. You can google “what should my LinkedIn profile be…blah blah,” that’s easy crap you can find in a kid’s book. No, we mean real content that changes your thinking and approach.
First of all, let me say that Facebook is for social, LinkedIn is for business. Don’t mix those!
Let’s dive in:
Build Your Brand
Attack Linkedin with the same vigor as Facebook: What does that mean? Be just as excited to get on LinkedIin and contribute as much as you do on Facebook. Discover articles you find interesting; comment on said articles;
Share ideas, blogs, articles, advice, it will all come back to you, I promise. Does it take effort? Yes! Will you always like it? Probably not, but this is the cornerstone, the basis for your personal brand.
Your personal brand is what you will market and what makes you stand out. Head over to this article to JUMPSTART your job search.
As a jobseeker, you’re looking to market yourself, discreetly, and as a networker, you are looking to meet and exchange ideas and opportunities with other contributors (best if they’re in or near where you are).
Make a Headline
Don’t make your Headline the same as Your Present Position:
Why? Good question. People are lazy; you know that, they are not going to read your whole profile.
Heck, they don’t even look at your whole resume when you submit for a job! Sorry to burst your bubble
When you put your headline the same as your position, you’re wasting valuable space and wasting the short time window you have to be interesting to your reader.
Records show that people focus on your picture and headline immediately when they open your page. Make that first impression, snatch their attention right away.
You are judged in the first 5 seconds, use that 5 seconds to get their mind racing.
Go to anyone’s page on Facebook, LinkedIn, whatever. Whether you know them are not, your judging goggles are on right away!
Think: How do I want to be perceived? What is the value I bring?
Take Advantage of this glorious space!
Also, your headline is on your page and in a small box when users hover over your picture in groups etc. Again, this may be your only chance to grab their attention!
What should I put in my Headline?
We dedicated a whole post just to this topic.
Message me Maybe?
Send Message after Message!: Everyone loves an inbox message.
E-mail’s lost it’s novelty somewhat (snail mail is the new novelty…go figure), but everyone reads LinkedIn inbox messages!
People don’t get many of them, so they read them.
Will everyone respond? Of course not. If they don’t, it’s not personal. Rejections happen. Move on.
Better yet, follow up 2 weeks later, but bring your value proposition. i .e. what can I do for them, or what’s in it for them.
Who’s my audience? Research members in your groups to ask to coffee, for advice, or, even better, try to help them somehow! It’s free to message group members. In-Mails aren’t free, but those are extra-effective as well.
We will look into effective message scripts I’ve tested later on the 7Minute Entrepreneur.
For now, implement these small steps right now. Even if you just send 1 message this week. We are about taking action, taking control.
Do you have a tip that has worked for you? Leave it below!
1)For starters, scan your profile for obvious spelling errors, grammar and such. Make your profile pic professional. This is the easy part!
2)For 7Minute Entrepreneur readers, join just 1 group and find a discussion that is active. Input, now! People appreciate answers to their questions, especially in social media settings as it makes them feel good. It makes them feel empowered.
It’s the same thing when people put crappy, vague Facebook statuses such as “What a great surprise today!” and then they don’t say what the surprise is.Yep, obvious fishers fishing for feedback.
Yes, they’re trying to get LIKES and comments that make them feel recognized or admired.
That’s the value you’re giving them right now.
3)Adjust your Headline as outlined above. Post it below! We love to meet other professionals!
4)Find a person in your company, school, industry, anything and send a short message asking for advice. We will provide tested scripts later, but for now see how it works for you. It’ll make you feel more comfortable for later messages.
Keep it short and sweet….You can do it.
This is funnily enough just the thing I’ve been rummaging for! Superb and cheers!
Hey! That’s what we like to hear. Are you new to Linkedin?
Thanks for coming through!